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Room Lighting by Hubitat

Welcome to the heart of intelligent home automation

Room Lighting is a comprehensive app built into Hubitat targeted towards automating switches, dimmers, bulbs, and window shades in a room (or really any group of devices you select, whether one or several or in the same room or not).

What is Room Lighting
Room Lighting allows easy automation of selected devices in response to events commonly used for this kind of automation, including motion, door/window contact sensors, time of day, hub mode, or button devices. Room Lighting calls this triggering of the app “Activation” and offers many different methods to Activate a Room Lighting instance, including:
Motion active or Contact open or closed
Time of day or Day of week
Hub mode changed (day, night, away, etc.) or Button pushed (or held, released, or double-tapped)
Lock unlocked or locked, Another switch, dimmer, or bulb turning on or off or Any event from any device by using the “custom attribute” option
Similarly, Room Lighting offers many methods to “Turn Off” the instance (sort of a de-activation).

Among Other Possibilities, Room Lighting Can Be Used For

Basic motion lighting automations - turn lights on or off with motion (or other) events

Complex lighting automations

Use custom events from any device to turn on or off lights and similar devices

Optionally add restrictions that control if or when devices turn on or off or modify behavior based on hub mode or time of day

As a way to group devices or create scenes - a more powerful alternative to the Groups and Scenes app

In many cases, a “Turn Off” in Room Lighting might actually be turning off the lights — though you are not limited to this possibility. You can choose any settings for Activation and Turn Off settings, which determine what happens for each half of the automation.

The Activation Settings table determines what happens in response to an Activation, and Turn Off options allow either the defaults of turning off the lights or an option to restore the devices to their previous state (before Activation) or to predetermined settings.

Room Lighting can also gradually fade lights to off over a predetermined period of time, allowing a sort of “warning” before turning off the lights (or going to predetermined settings for Turn Off).

Room Lighting - Unleashing New Possibilities
Events available to Turn Off the Room Lighting instance include:
  • Motion inactive (or becomes inactive and stays for certain time)
  • Contact open or closed
Time of day or Day of week
Hub mode changed (day, night, away, etc.), or Button pushed (or held, released, or double-tapped)
Lock unlocked or locked or Another switch, dimmer, or bulb turning on or off or Any event from any device using the “custom attribute” option

Room Lighting Elevate Your Smart Home Experience